Nine 27 Salon is looking for 2 part time stylists to join our team. We are looking for experienced stylists with their own clientele or looking to build.
Nine27 Salon is located at J Street, between 27 and 28th Streets, in the thriving heart of mid-town Sacramento’s Sutter District. Nine 27 Salon is located across from James W. Marshall park, between Centro Cocina and BARWEST.
- Rental based stations
- Shampoo bar provided
-Towel service provided
- Part time shared station: $435 per month (2 days a week)
- Part time shared station: $585 per month (3 days per week)
- Part time shared station: $780 per month (4 days per week)
Instagram @Nine27salon
2728 J Street, Sacramento CA 95816
Contact Clarissa text/call (916) 842-9162 if interested or send email to above email.